
My experience with Plantronics Voyager 6200 UC

As mentioned before this weekend I got the Voyager 6200 UC. Since I have the Plantronics HUB installed all the install went smooth even that I am running Windows 10 Insider version.

After listen to music and also had a Skype for Business meeting, well I think this a really good quality headset.


Plantronics UC-6200

Finaly, after weeks waiting now it's here. This I will look forward to try out.
The design looks great.
Thanks for it Plantronics Norway :-)

Going to write about over the weekend to tell how I it is. #thenextbigthing


Create Teams Online meeting from Outlook [**SOLVED**]

I am not sure how many out there that has run the invite to a Teams meeting from Outlook. But for me I have never had the ad-in and therefore not able to use it.
So as you might understand, I now has it and here is how I solved it.
From a lots of google search here to try to figure it out I found out this fix.
Great thanks to this blog: https://realtimeuc.com/2017/08/missing-teams-outlook-add-in/

1. locate where you have the addin for Teams. Mine is located here:  C:\Users\<usern name>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin\1.0.17306.2\x64
2. make sure you backup your registry before you does something like this
3. copy this registry file and create a .req file in Notepad or other tool to get this.