
What's new in Teams and M365Copilot

 There are lot's happening in the Teams and M365 Copilot now. New features and more to learn. So here is a wrapup of the part I think is cool news.

Teams - What's happening.

- New Teams is rolling out. Be sure to test or just roll it out.
- Enterprise Connect was last week. 
- Discover feed in channels Discover Feed - Learn
-Voice Isolation, dang cool if you ask me. Check out the link.
- Teams phone SLA now 99,999 % guarantee. Check out here
- Intelligent Call Recap require Teams Premium and Copilot


Something Old, Something New, there are many things going on

 It's time for a new blog. The MVP Summit 2024 goes on and what comes there can't be discussed. So since I am not there and has started a new job also. Well, time to share something with you again.