
August 2014 server patch for Lync 2013 Enterprise Edition

I have been installing the Lync 2013 August 2014 patches on different Lync 2013 installations. On one installation where we had a Enterprise edtion with 3 servers for the FrontEnd. The first server it all went fine. When I started on the second server it went quite well but the last part of the patch that contains Windows Fabric, it failed.


Using ISS ARR as a reverse proxy for Lync

Since TMG Forefront is soon to be close for sale we have to think and look into other reverse proxy solution.
From what we can read from Microsoft is this:

For a new customer I have installed the ISS ARR as a reverse proxy and this is what I did.


Gartner Magic Quadrant 2014

As we can see. Microsoft is now the leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant. Cisco has the latest two years been the leader.

From the report we can read this.

Microsoft Lync

Microsoft Lync offers a full suite of UC functionality that Microsoft continues to improve with each release. It integrates with Office applications, Active Directory and Skype. Microsoft has a broad set of additional business applications that will increasingly be leveraged, including Office Graph (which uses machine learning to define the context and connect users with relevant documents, conversations and people) and Cortana (a digital assistant).


Powershell Script enable users in different OU's and with enterprise Voice

To make Automatic enable users from AD to Lync With Enterprise Voice. I have made a PowerShell script to do this.
This script can be used as a scheduled task.  This can be used as you want it.
Here is the code:

#Script for automatic enable users for Lync 2013

#THere can be used list of OU,DC if users are in different OU's.

#Remember to change RegistrarPool

#SipAddresser is EQ Mailaddress

#Made by Kai Stenberg, Solution Architect Lync Skill AS

#$write shall be set to $true when running the script in production
$write = $false;

#Delete old files if the script has been run before
if (Test-Path c:\temp\disabledLyncUsers.txt) {

del c:\temp\disabledLyncUsers.txt;

if (Test-Path c:\Temp\enabledLyncUsers.txt) {

del c:\Temp\enabledLyncUsers.txt;

#set up your list of OU's and domain name

#See the example under, has to be changed to your settings
$adOus = ("OU=Employees,OU=Users,OU=HQ,DC=domain,DC=local",


#New users will be enabled and Enterprice voice ready
foreach ($ou in $adOus) {

$newLyncUser = get-csaduser -OU $ou -filter { Enabled -ne $true }

foreach ($user in $newLyncUser) {

if ($write) {

$user | Enable-csuser -RegistrarPool <poolname of Lync> -SipAddressType EmailAddress;

$user | Set-CsUser -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true;

#If using other Dialplan or voice policy then Global please remove the # on the next 2 rows

#$user | Set-CsUser -Dialplan "<name of dialplan>"

#$user | Set-CsUser -VoicePolicy "<name of Voicepolicy>"

else {

$user | Out-File -Append c:\Temp\disabledLyncUsers.txt;




# get-csaduser -filter {Enabled -ne $True -and OU -iin $adOus} | foreach {

# Enable-CsUser -RegistrarPool <poolnameFQDN> -SipAddressType EmailAddress}

# Set-CsUser -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true