Did you know that in June, from the 29-30th there is a hybrid event named Commsverse 2022.
You find the link here. And what a lineup with speakers.
Did you know that in June, from the 29-30th there is a hybrid event named Commsverse 2022.
You find the link here. And what a lineup with speakers.
Finaly, when I got back to the office today, I have got my new toy. As many of you know out there I just love new gadgets. This time I got the Yealink BH72 with charging stand for Teams.
First of all, this is a Teams Certfied Headset.
Today we got a new version of the Teams Powershell module.
This is the new current version. You can download it here.
Are you running other versions or preview, please use the -Force element to upgrade