
What's new in Teams and more

Something is about to happens

 Almost time for me to head of to Commsverse 2023 and get all the good information there. Starting next week (21-22 June).  Hope to see you there. This year for me there is all about networking and joint all the great speakers and presenters.

What's new and hot in TEAMS?

One of the things I like to start with is something that comes to Teams Premium. You know the addon for Teams license. 

There is a cool new feature comming named RECAP......This is what Microsoft say about it:

Quickly revisit highlights of your Microsoft Teams meeting recording with the meeting recap. In the meeting recap, the most important parts of a meeting are captured and organized in one place. View your meeting recording, shared content, and more without switching screens or apps. Read all about it here.

The next thing I like to lift up is the AVATAR function. Instead of using video you can connect using an AVATAR. Why someone askes, and I can agree. Why? For me it's kind of fun, but I'm using TEAMS for job and pro. And sorry not my game. A bit kind like the Snapchat Filter that also comes. I don't use SnapChat for work and don't need this

Finaly compliance recording for redriected calls

Organizations who are using compliance recording solutions integrated with Teams will now be able to ensure that compliance recording policies are maintained when a call is redirected. Redirected scenarios include forwarded and transferred calls, calls redirected to voicemail, delegated calls, and call to call groups. This further enables organizations to consistently adhere to regulations, internal policies, and industry standards.

Another thing that is cool is the new Offlice meeting feature

You can now schedule in-person meetings, like when a meeting doesn’t require you to be online, such as personal appointment or lunch break. In the Teams calendar, you will be able to easily turn off the online toggle to create an offline meeting. Offline meetings will not include chat threads or other meeting functionalities such as the join a meeting button or recording capabilities.

Source for the news are: Teams news May 2023

MTR and Android 12

This morning I got some cool information that #AudioCodes now can deliver MTR's based on Android 12. Android versions goes out on date's and to be on top security, look at the Android version for your MTR if it's Android based. AudioCodes RXV-81 is the first one according to them selves first on Android 12 who are Teams Certified. They will now also run this on the "taps" and more.

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