
Review of Becoming a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing Functional Consultant

 I was so lucky to get this book early and has read it. Here is my review of it.

Let me start to say as they say in the movie The Matrix "I now know Dyn365 Marketing" :-)

The book starts with the basic of Dyn365 Marketing. There are lot's of good knowlede shared by MVP and CEO Malin Martnes.


MVP-dagen Roadshow and MVP-Dagen Oslo

 MVP-Dagen Roadshow!

Did you know that MVP-Dagen Roadshow are on the move. Next stop on the 27th.September we will be in Tromsø. 
We I say, here you will meet:
AudioCodes med Jasper Filon

Sign up here for a free ticket: https://events.eventzilla.net/e/mvp-dagen-2022-roadshow--troms-2138575251
The show starts around 12:00 and we are done 3:30pm and it takes place at Kaigata 6 in Tromsø


3PIP comes to an end

 It has now come to the time where 3PIP is about to die. This is the message in M365 to look for.

So what are your options?

Option 1. SIP Gateway

Microsoft has a SIP Gateway that can be used. This is some job and firewall that has to be done before you can start using the service. Read about it here: Configure SIP Gateway - Microsoft

When this is done you can use the phones for more times. 

Option 2. Buy Teams phones

Another option and what some of my customer are thinking about, is to get new Teams phones. They are already planning for this option. And yes it cost money, but it still cost money to have old phones running. And since some of them are EOL (End of Life) and EOS (End Of Support) well. If you are on Teams and plan to use phones. Well do it correct and get Teams phones.

List of certified Teams Phones can be found here


Multilanguage Teams meeting invite

 Today I saw someone post on LinkedIN that you now can have multilanguage in the Teams invite.

What I did on our Tenant was this command in Teams Powershell

Set-csteamsmeetingpolicy -identity global -meetinginviteLangunages «nb-no,en-us”

Then I just waited on some backendsync and now my teams meeting invite looks like this:


and English-US


Summer 2022 comes to an end

Summer moved on and here are some cool stuff that has come lately

The summer holiday is going to an end. And what a summer it has been. So let’s wrap up some news Teams and other communities.


Powershell version for Teams

Here much has happened the last 4-5 weeks. The new version are now 4.5.0 in GA and not in preview, you find it here:


Read the release notes to see all the changes



Dyn365Sales - Teams Telephony

 Some times things just happes and then it result in a blogpost. This post is one of this.What just happened?

Dynamics365 Sales - Teams Telephony

I have worked and did some investigation on Dyn365Sales and how to get this working together with Teams and Telephony in Teams.


Teams got Cast

Teams client got CAST for MAC and Windows

One feature that I saw yesterday was CAST. From the three ... you will now get the 


Commsverse 2022 Mercedes Benz World UK

 Did you know that in June, from the 29-30th there is a hybrid event named Commsverse 2022. 

You find the link here. And what a lineup with speakers. 


New headset on the market. Welcome Yealink BH72

 Finaly, when I got back to the office today, I have got my new toy. As many of you know out there I just love new gadgets. This time I got the Yealink BH72 with charging stand for Teams.

First of all, this is a Teams Certfied Headset.


Teams Powershell module 4.0.0

 Today we got a new version of the Teams Powershell module. 

This is the new current version. You can download it here.

Are you running other versions or preview, please use the -Force element to upgrade


SIP devices in Teams, Tendfor Certified for Teams using API

 Hi readers. Great to be out here again with some news. After 10 days with Covid-19 and other issues. Now it's time to bring som great news to you readers.


More changes to Teams Powershell

 Teams Powershell changes

As you for sure might have see in the M365 admin center, you might have got this message


Dyn365 Customer Service Omnichannel Voice - How we did it


This blog would not have been written if there has not been for the great people and skill of the following personal:

How to get Voice in Dynamics365 CS

When starting to plan for Dynamics365 Customer Service Omnichannel Voice, well be aware that one of your options will be to use Direct Routing.

Direct Routing in Azure Communication Service (ACS) are still in preview.

So how did we do it?


Changes in Set-CSUser in Teams Powershell

 For a customer I helped them enable a user for Voice in Teams. Now there are changes comming, so you need to update your scripts. Ran this

Set-CsUser -Identity "sip:fornavn.etternavn@kunde.no" -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $false -OnPremLineURI tel:+47xxxxxx

Then I get this as a warning

WARNING: OnPremLineURI will be deprecated. Please use LineURI to update user's phone number.

The syntax did work, but for future use you will need to update your scrips to this

Set-CsUser -Identity "sip:fornavn.etternavn@kunde.no" -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $false -LineURI tel:+47xxxxxx